PTSD: National Center for PTSD |
Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD |
Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD - PTSD: National Center for PTSD (
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental ealth Services Administration |
SAMHSA provides suicide prevention information and other helpful resources |
Suicide Prevention | SAMHSA
American Counseling Association |
Depression Resources |
Depression (
American Counseling Association |
Anxiety Resources |
Anxiety (
American Counseling Association |
Grief and Loss |
Grief and Loss (
NIH - National Institute of Mental Health |
Borderline Personality Disorder |
NIMH » Borderline Personality Disorder (
Bessel Vaqn Der Kolk M.D. |
The Body Keeps The Score (Brain, Mind and Body in the Hearling of Trauma) |
The Body Keeps The Score | Bessel van der Kolk, MD.
Psychology Today |
M.L. Linda Conner MA, LCPA
Psychology Today - Myrtle Beach (Linda Conner)
RACGP - The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
Psychological Strategies - Motivational interviewing techniques |
RACGP - Facilitating behaviour change in the general practice setting
Brene Brown |
Blog - Shame vs Guilt |
Brene Brown - Blog Shame vs Guilt
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness |
2-part podcast series, NAMI Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ken Duckworth (Bipolar Disorder) |
Bipolar disorder | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Psychology Today |
I consider myself a Person Centered (Carl Rogers) Therapist |
Person-Centered Therapy | Psychology Today